
Global Book Tour

Global Book Tour with Stephen Akintayo

Join Stephen Akintayo ​on his 4th 2020 Global BOOk TOUR

Most people usually find it hard to scale up from one point to the other. It’s sometimes looks so impossible.

What if I told you it’s not that difficult? It’s not a herculean task to scale up. You just need to do the right thing the right way.

I had my struggling times too, but when I discovered the right way to doing things, I plugged myself fully into it.One of the right things to do is to get mentorship and training. These save a lot of stress people go through.

You can also say confidently that you find things easier when someone holds your hands or shows you the way.That’s the right thing to do; get someone to lead you. Life is too short to figure out by yourself, you can lean on what others experienced and even do more.

…I want to do the right thingSo, here is what I have to offer you. If you have trust issues, you can click this link, I have numerous testimonials from people all around the world. 

I want to mentor you personally, and it’s not a distant one, we will have a session together in the best hotel in your city where you will ask all your questions and also learn the secret to your next stage and the next one after that

What am I to do to participate in this?

All you have to do is buy this bundle of 7 books worth $1,000. But for this purpose, it’s $200 for the Hard Copy which will be delivered to Your House.. You can also get the Soft Copy (PDF) Versions for  $100 

These are the books;

  • Maximizing Your Real Estate Investment
  • Billionaire Investor
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Investing in Africa
  • bookFarming is the New Oil
  • bookBusiness Mentorship
  • bookSurvival Instincts
  • bookEntrepreneurial Tools

​Join Over 22,000 Happy Students

Understand the secret of wealth creation through internet business.Investment tips and tricks.

– Get success tips from my failures & mistakes in business.– One-on-one with me. – Stand a chance to also network with other investors who are in diaspora.

Get the Hard Copy bundle today and also get the Soft Copy Bundle for free

Note that only those who buy the hard copy will enjoy these benefits.


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EMAIL: info@stephenakintayo.com,

PHONE: +2348180000618

VISIT: www.stephenakintayo.com

Philip Fisher once said;

“I don’t want to spend my time trying to earn a lot of little profits. I want very, very big profits that I’m ready to wait for.”

NOTE.: Only those who buy the hard copy will enjoy these benefits.

Copyright 2020, Stephen Akintayo Consulting